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    Item # 0105771: 1-1/4 X 0.035 inch Wall Thickness Seamless Titanium Tubing, Grade 2 (CP) Titanium with Mill Finish
Titanium 1-1/4 X 0.035 inch Wall Thickness Seamless Titanium Tubing
  This seamless tubing is TRUE TITANIUM(TM), specifically Grade 2 (CP) titanium. It is corrosion free in the natural environment and commonly used for everything from exhaust systems to the movement of fluids.

1 kg = 101.26 inches; 1 foot = 0.118509851 kg
1 lb = 45.93 inches; 1 foot = 0.261314221 pounds

TRUE TITANIUM(TM) is a trademark to establish that this product is manufactured from solid Titanium, rather than a coating, plating or color. TRUE TITANIUM, Tough-Ti, the AT Logo, the Ring around our high strength screws, LOOK FOR THE RING, AFFORDABLE TITANIUM NOW and ALLIED TITANIUM are all trademarks of Allied Titanium, Inc.
Price: $22.74
Unit: Feet
Min. Order Qty: 1
Qty in Stock: 74.5
  Please call (800) 725-8143 or (302) 249-3295 if you need help.
Ship Kg: 0.1185
Measure: Inches
Diameter or Thickness: 1.25
Pitch, Grip Length or Width: 0.035
Group: Mill Product
Category: Mill Product, Rolled
Sub Category: Tubing, Round
Tolerance: +/- 10%
UPD # Ti2MRTOI1.25X0.035M
Index: Tubing
Meets ASTM: B338
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